We have been plugging along. Adam has the fiberglass, and fairing done on both the cabin top and the cockpit. He is now priming. Then sanding, then priming, then sanding, then priming, then sanding then painting, then sanding then painting!
I have primed the border around the boat that we are painting a dark green. I have one more coat of primer and then 2 coats of paint. Then we are getting the name on the boat! Nel Vento that means "in the wind" in Italian. We call her Nellie for short. She used to be "smelly Nellie". LOL I have almost all the teak wood sanded and cleaned and oiled. I have posted a picture of the doors to the cabin - one done and one not done. What a difference! I will be posting pics of the cabin and cockpit as soon as the 2nd coat of primer is done.
I am looking forward to when the cabin is no longer a tool shed and I can clean down below. I will be painting the storage areas with a bilge paint to make them clean and bright. I will take a video of the cabin once done.